AGAPW in the Press
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- The National Herald, October 23rd, 2024: AGAPW Honors Dr. Theodoratou, Presents Scholarships at Award Gala in Manhattan
- The National Herald, March 7th, 2024: AGAPW Presented Prof. Kaliambou on the Greek Revolution & the Greek Diaspora
- The National Herald, November 6th, 2023: AGAPW Presented Bessie Karras-Lazaris on Preserving Our Ethnic Identity
- The National Herald, May 17th, 2023: AGAPW Annual Awards Celebration Held in New York City
- The National Herald, May 4th, 2022: AGAPW Announces 2022 Scholarship Recipients
- The National Herald, April 27th, 2022: AGAPW and ALLILONnet Online Lecture Series Features Artist Aphrodite Navab
- The National Herald, January 26th, 2022: AGAPW Presents Online Lecture Series Jan. 31-May 23
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ – Η ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ, May 2021: Νατάσσα Ρωμανού – Με πείσμα, φρόνηση και αγάπη για τη ζωή και τη γη
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ – Η ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ, February 2021: Παγκόσμια Ημέρα της Γυναίκας στον καιρό της πανδημίας
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ – Η ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ, May 2019: Πάννη Τριφυλλή – Επιστήμονας γένους θηλυκού της Ομογένειας
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 30th, 2019: Ο AGAPW Βράβευσε τη Δρ Στέλλα Λυμπέση
- Αναμνήσεις – Πάνθεον Ελληνισμού, March 29th, 2019: Ο Σύλλογος Ελληνοαμερικανίδων Γυναικών (AGAPW) τίμησε την Δρ. Στέλλα Λυμπέση
- Αναμνήσεις – Πάνθεον Ελληνισμού, March 13th, 2019: Ο Σύλλογος Ε/Α Επαγγελματιών απονέμει υποτροφίες και τιμά τη Δρ. Στέλλα Λυμπέση
- The National Herald, March 4th, 2019: AGAPW to Honor Dr. Stella Lymberis and Now Accepting Scholarship Applications
- Αναμνήσεις – Πάνθεον Ελληνισμού, December 24th, 2018: Χριστουγεννιάτικη γιορτή Συλλόγου Ελληνοαμερικανίδων Επαγγελματιών (βίντεο)”
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), December 21st, 2018: Η χριστουγεννιάτικη γιορτή του AGAPW
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), December 21st, 2018: Η χριστουγεννιάτικη γιορτή του AGAPW και της ALLILONnet στην Coco Mat (βίντεο)
- The National Herald, October 20th, 2018: Aphrodite Désirée Navab Solo Exhibition Opens in SoHo
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), October 17th, 2018: Η ατομική έκθεση της Αφσοδίτης Ναβάμπ ξεκίνησε στο Σόχο
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), July 26th, 2018: Εικαστική έκθεση με τίτλο “Ζωγραφίζοντας το ελληνικό καλοκαίρι” (βίντεο, to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- Αναμνήσεις – Πάνθεον Ελληνισμού, July 25th, 2018: Εγκαίνια έκθεση ομογενών και Ελλήνων ζωγράφων με θέμα “Ζωγραφιζοντας το Ελληνικό Καλοκαίρι” (βίντεο)
- The National Herald, March 30th, 2018: AGAPW Honors Giannopoulou and Amb. Philippou at Annual Gala (Vid & Pics)
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 29th, 2018: Ο “AGAPW” ανακήρυξε “Γυναίκα της Χρονιάς” την Ιωάννα Γιαννοπούλου
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 24th, 2018: Η πρόεδρος του Κουίνς τίμησε την επέτειο της 25ης Μαρτίου και ομογενείς (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- The National Herald, March 1st, 2018: AGAPW and ALLILONnet Symposium on Inspiring Women in STEM (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), February 7th, 2018: Κοπή πίτας Ελληνοαμερικανίδων Επαγγελματιών και οργανισμού ALLILONnet
- The National Herald, January 21st, 2018: Greek Community Responds to Estia Zafeiraki’s Tragic Death (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), January 1st, 2018: Ανασκόπηση κου 2017: Τα γεγονότα που συγκλόνισαν την Ομογένεια
- The National Herald, December 10th, 2017: NYC Fashion Event Helps Save Lives of Women in Greece (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 31th, 2017: Ο Σύλλογος Ε/Αμερικανίδων Επαγγελματιών τίμησε την Δρ. Μιράντα Κοφινά (βίντεο)
- The National Herald, March 31st, 2017: AGAPW Awards 2017 Greek American Woman of the Year at Gala (Video)
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 30th, 2017: Ο Σύλλογος Ελληνοαμερικανίδων Επαγγελματιών τίμησε την Δρ. Μιράντα Κοφινά
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 22nd, 2017: Σύλλογος Ε/Αμερικανίδων τιμά την Δρα Μ. Κοφινά
- The National Herald, February 4th, 2017: AGAPW Vasilopita and Agapi Stassinopoulos’ New Book Presented (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), February 1st, 2017: Παρουσίαση βιβλίου στην κοηή της πίτας των Ελληνοαμερικανίδων Επαγγελματιών (βίντεο)
- Hellenic Voice – The Hellenic Newspaper of Chicago, February 2017: Agapi Stassinopoulos Signs Book at A.G.A.P.W. Vassilopita Cutting
- Greek Vision, January 23rd, 2017: Association of Greek American Professional Women’s Symposium on the Current State of Cancer
- MGTVUSA, November 23rd, 2016: AGAPW and HMSNY Symposium on Current State of Cancer Prevention & Treatment
- The National Herald, November 6th, 2016: AGAPW and Hellenic Medical Society Host Revealing, Sensitive Cancer Talk (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ – Η ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ, July 2016: Aphrodite Désirée Navab – Η Πρέσβειρα της τέχνης και της πολυπολιτισμικότητας τριών χωρών
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), June 30th, 2016: Δεξίωση των γυναικών του «Γυναίκα» στον «Ε.Κ.»
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ – Η ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ, June 2016: Οι εκατό… γυναίκες του «ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ»
- MGTVUSA, March 19th, 2016: Association of Greek American Professional Women (A.G.A.P.W.) Honoring Ms. Nancy Papaioannou, President of Atlantic Bank
- Greek News, March 13th, 2016: Greek American Woman of the Year: Nancy Papaioannou (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- The National Herald, March 9th, 2016: Nancy Papaioannou Lauded, AGAPW Woman of Year (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 8th, 2016: Ο A.G.A.P.W. τίμησε την πρόεδρο της Atlantic Bank Νάνσυ Παπαϊπάννου (to download the pdf of the article, please click here; to watch the video, please click here)
- Hellenic Voice – The Hellenic Newspaper of Chicago, March 2016: AGAPW To Award a Scholarship
- Greek Reporter, February 20th, 2016: A.G.A.P.W. to Honor Atlantic Bank President Nancy Papaioannou
- Hellenic News, February 20th, 2016: Ms. Nancy Papaioannou, President of Atlantic Bank and President of the Hellenic American Chamber of Commerce
- The National Herald, January 9th, 2016: Art, Fellowship, and Networking at AGAPW Vasilopita Cutting
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), January 6th, 2016: Κοπή πίτας Συλλόγου Ελληνοαμερικανίδων Επαγγελματιών
- The National Herald, December 22nd, 2015: HOLIDAY FETES: AGAPW Holiday Loft Party Raises Scholarship Funds (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- The National Herald, December 10th, 2015: RSVP Today for AGAPW Dec. 11 Party
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), November 10th, 2015: Από το Μαραθώνιο της NY στον Αθηνών
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), October 31st, 2015: Ομογενής και χρυσή ολυμπιονίκης της Αθήνας 2004 στον Μαραθώνιο της Νέας Υόρκης
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), October 28th, 2015: Διάλεξη του καθηγητή – πρήσβη Λουκά Τσίλα για την επέτειο του «ΟΧΙ»
- The National Herald, October 28th, 2015: Amb. Tsilas Invites Audience to Make Oxi Day History
- Hellenic Voice – The Hellenic Newspaper of Chicago, August 2015: A.G.A.P.W. Honors Special Mothers with Plaques During Event at Coco-Mat
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), May 27th, 2015: Εκδήλωση αφιερωμένη στις μητέρες (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- The National Herald, May 28th, 2015: AGAPW Honors Diaspora Mothers (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- The National Herald, May 3rd, 2015: Ambassador Loucas Tsilas Reminisces and Inspires for AGAPW (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- Hellenic Voice – The Hellenic Newspaper of Chicago, May 2015: Ambassador L. Tsilas is Honored by AGAPW
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), April 29th, 2015: Ομιλία Τσίλα σε Ε/Αμερικανίδες Επαγγελματίες (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- Neo Magazine, April 11th, 2015: Paulette Poulos Honored as “Greek American Woman of the Year”
- Hellenic Voice – The Hellenic Newspaper of Chicago, April 2015: AGAPW’s Woman of the Year Bestowed on Paulette Poulos
- MGTVUSA, March 24th, 2015: Association of Greek American Professional Women (A.G.A.P.W.) Honoring Ms Paulette Poulos, Executive Director Leadership 100
- Greek News, March 22nd, 2015: A.G.A.P.W. – Paulette Poulos: In the Tradition of Christian Concern
- Greek Reporter, March 18th, 2015: Paulette Poulos Honored as ‘Greek American Woman of the Year’
- The National Herald, March 17th, 2015: AGAPW Applauds Paulette Poulos’ Lifetime of Service to the Community (to download the pdf version of the article, please click here)
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 17th, 2015: Ο Σύλλογος Ελληνοαμερικανίδων Επαλλελμακιών κίμησε κην Πωλέκ Πούλου (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- The National Herald, February 11th, 2015: AGAPW Cuts Vasilopita Amid Wine, Food and Fellowship at NY Loft Party
- Hellenic Voice – The Hellenic Newspaper of Chicago, February 2015: To Celebrate New Year with Wine, Conversation, Friends
- The National Herald, January 9th, 2015: Happy New Year Greek Style: NY Professional Groups Gather for Vasilopita (to download the pdf version of the article, please click here)
- Hellenic Voice – The Hellenic Newspaper of Chicago, December 2014: Judge Harriet George gets A.G.A.P.W.’s Distinguished Life Achievement Award
- MGTVUSA, November 19th, 2014: Association of Greek American Professional Women (A.G.A.P.W.) Presents Judge Harriet Pavles George with Distinguished Life Achievement Award
- The National Herald, November 16th, 2014: Judge Harriet George–Virtue is its Own Reward, But There Can Be Bonuses
- The National Herald, November 15th, 2014: AGAPW Honors Judge Harriet George with Love and Praise
- The National Herald, November 15th, 2014: (2 articles on the page) Judge Harriet George: Virtue is its Own Reward, But it Has Bonuses, too (and) AGAPW’s Women Leaders Conversation
- New Greek TV, November 10th, 2014: A.G.A.P.W. Honors Judge Harriet Pavles George
- Hellenic Voice – The Hellenic Newspaper of Chicago, November 2014: Judge Harriet George is Honored by A.G.A.P.W. as a Woman Leader
- Greek Spirit with Sam Chekwas, October 21st, 2014: Ioanna Karatzaferi Book Signing
- New Greek TV, June 9th, 2014: Olympia Dukakis
- MGTVUSA, June 6th, 2014: Association A.G.A.P.W. Presents ΙΩΑΝΝΑ ΚΑΡΑΤΖΑΦΕΡΗ
- The National Herald, June 4th, 2014: AGAPW Presents Ioanna Karatzaferi
- Real, June 3rd, 2014: Η αιώνια σχέση κων Ελλήνων με κα χώμακά τους
- EURO2day, June 3rd, 2014: Η αιώνια σχέση κων Ελλήνων με κα χώμακά τους
- iNews, June 3rd, 2014: Η αιώνια σχέση κων Ελλήνων με κα χώμακά τους
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), May 30th, 2014: Μια ελεύθερη γυναικα με κατατόκκινα μάτια… (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- Hellenic Public Radio – Cosmos FM 91.5, May 27th, 2014: Anna Eliopoulos Interviews Ioanna Karatzaferi and Dimitra Nikolou
- Black Tie International Magazine, May 18th, 2014: A Fabulous Evening with Olympia Dukakis
- MGTVUSA, May 2nd, 2014: Association of Greek American Professional Women – Conversation With Women Leaders Featuring Oscar and Golden Globe Award Winning Actress Olymbia Dukakis
- Good News Broadcast, May 1st, 2014: The Association of Greek American Professional Women – Conversation with Women Leaders Series Featuring Actress Olympia Dukakis and Film Director Stavroula Toska
- The National Herald, April 25th, 2014: Olympia Dukakis Inspires at AGAPW (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- Greek News, April 13th, 2014: AGAPW: Honoring Exceptional Greek American Women
- MGTVUSA, April 10th, 2014: Association of Greek American Professional Women Honoring Ambassador Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis
- The National Herald, April 8th, 2014: AGAPW Celebrates Woman of the Year (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- The National Herald, April 5th, 2014: AGAPW Celebrates Women’s History Month, Honors Ambassador Eleni Tsakopoulos
- Hellenic Voice – The Hellenic Newspaper of Chicago, April 2014: AGAPW Celebrates Women’s History Month, Honors Ambassador Eleni Tsakopoulos
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 28th, 2014: Τίμησαν την πρέσβειρα Ελένη Τσακοπούλου-Κουναλάκη (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- New Greek TV, March 14th, 2014: A.G.A.P.W. Honors Ambassador Eleni Kounalakis
- New Greek TV, March 14th, 2014: ?????????? ? “????????????????? ??? ???????”
- The TOC – Times of Change, March 14th, 2014: A.G.A.P.W. Honors Ambassador Eleni Kounalaki
- The National Herald, February 21st, 2014: AGAPW Wine Tasting Marks Valentines
- MGTVUSA, February 12th, 2014: An Archeologist’s Eye: Drawing the Parthenon Sculptures
- The National Herald, December 30th, 2013: Community Leaders Look Forward to 2014 (to download the pdf of the article, please click here)
- The National Herald, December 7th, 2013: AGAPW’s Fond Farewell to Consul General Sophianou
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), December 6th, 2013: Αποχαιρέτησαν την Κούλα Σοφιανού
- The National Herald, December 5th, 2013: Sophianou Receives AGAPW Award
- The National Herald, October 26th, 2013: AGAPW Shines Spotlight on Domestic Violence
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), October 24th, 2013: “Φως” στην ενδοοικογενειακή βία
- KHORAI, October 21st, 2013: Domestic Violence Gender and Culture: Shining a Light
- Hellenic Public Radio – Cosmos FM 91.5, October 8th, 2013: Anna Eliopoulos Interviews Dr. Aurelie Athan
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), August 26th, 2013: With Eleni Daniilidou at the US Open in Flushing
- The National Herald, July 19th, 2013: Heart of the Mediterranean Sun Heats the Olympic Tower Atrium in New York
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), July 2nd, 2013: Εκδήλωση Συλλόγου Ελληνοαμερικανίδων
- The National Herald, June 28th, 2013: Goings On
- Greek News, April 14th, 2013: AGAPW: Encouraging Women to Succeed
- Queens Gazette, April 10th, 2013: Simotas Named Greek Woman Of The Year
- New York State Assembly, April 2nd, 2013: Simotas Named Greek-American Woman of the Year
- E-Kefalonia, March 28th, 2013: Aravella Simotas, “Woman of the Year”
- The National Herald, March 28th, 2013: Mentoring, Supporting the Next Generation the Theme at AGAPW Fete
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 27th, 2013: “Γυναίκα της Χρονιάς” η Αραβέλλα Σιμωτά
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 5th, 2013: Φόρουμ για Εμπορία Ανθρώπων
- The National Herald, March 2nd, 2013: AGAPW Forum on Human Trafficking Illuminates a Dark Topic
- MGTVUSA, February 28th, 2013: Forum on Human Trafficking
- Greek News, January 27th, 2013: AGAPW: Fun with a Purpose
- ΕΞΠΡΕΣ, November 25th, 2012: Η… καρδιά της Ελλάδας χτυπά στη Νέα Υόρκη, όπου συναντάται η αφρόκρεμα του παγκόσμιου επιχειρείν
- Capitol Words – A Project of the Sunlight Foundation, September 19th, 2012: In Recognition Of The Association Of Greek American Professional Women And Its Woman Of The Year, Loula Loi Alafoyiannis
- Epikaira, September 5th, 2012: ΟΛΓΑ ΑΛΕΞΑΚΟΣ: Ελληνοαμερικανίδων ισχύς εν κη ενώδει
- The National Herald, August 30th, 2012: Eleni Daniilidou Holds Tennis Clinic in Astoria
- MGTVUSA, August 28th, 2012: Association of Greek American Professional Women (A.G.A.P.W.) Presents Eleni Daniilidou Greece’s No. 1 Tennis Player
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), August 27th, 2012: Greece’s No. 1 Tennis Player Eleni Daniildiou Teaches Children the Secrets of Tennis
-, August 27th, 2012: Στην Astoria η Λένα
- The National Herald, August 5th, 2012: Greek Tennis Star Eleni Daniilidou and AGAPW to Present a Tennis Clinic in Astoria
- MGTVUSA, July 19th, 2012: Association of Greek American Professional Women (AGAPW) – Artist Author Thea Halo
- The National Herald, May 31st, 2012: AGAPW Celebrates Mothers of the Greek Diaspora at Manhattan Event
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), May 23rd, 2012: Moving Presentation of the Book “Not Even in my Name” of Thea Halo
- Greek News, May 7th, 2012: AGAPW Celebrates Mothers of Greek Diaspora
- MGTVUSA, April 10th, 2012: AGAPW Honoring Mrs. Tsilas at Consulate of Cyprus
- Greek News, April 8th, 2012: Penelope Tsilas: Role Model for Women in 2012
- The National Herald, April 5th, 2012: Penelope Tsilas Chosen as Woman of the Year
- Greek News, April 2nd, 2012: Ελληνοαμερικανικός γυναικείος σύλλογος τίμησε την Πηνελόπη Τσίλα
- Greek Reporter, April 1st, 2012: New York: Pinelopi Tsilas Honored For Promoting Greek Culture by AGAPW
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), March 30th, 2012: Mrs. Penelope Tsilas Was Honored for Her Manifold Contributions (to download the article in pdf format, please click here)
- Express – Daily Financial Newspaper, March 30th, 2012: Greek American Women’s Organization Honored Mrs. Penelope Tsilas for Her Humanitarian and Cultural Contributions
- Creta Live, March 30th, 2012: Mrs. Tsilas Was Honored
- The National Herald, March 22nd, 2012: Goings On
- Greek Reporter, February 29th, 2012: “Unbinding the Heart: A Dose of Greek Wisdom, Generosity, and Unconditional Love”, A New Book By Agapi Stassinopoulos
- Omogeneia ANA-MPA, February 28th, 2012: Book: Agapi Stassinopoulos’ Autobiography, with Her Greek Origin as the Focal Point
- Greek News – Greek-American Weekly Newspaper, February 27th, 2012: Παρουσίαση της αυτοβιογραφία της Αγάπης Στασινοπούλου
- MGTVUSA, February 27th, 2012: A.G.A.P.W. Launches Agapi Stassinopoulos’ New Book at the Greek Press Office in NY
- Kathimerini, February 25th, 2012: Autobiography of Agapi Stassinopoulos
- iNews, February 24th, 2012: ΗΠΑ: Αυτοβιογραφία της Αγάπης Στασινοπούλου
- The National Herald, February 11th, 2012: Παρουσίαση Βιβλίου
- The National Herald, February 2nd, 2012: Goings On
- The National Herald, November 23rd, 2011: AGAPW Holds Forum on the Greek Financial Crisis
- The National Herald, November 21st, 2011: AGAPW Hosts Forum on Greek Crisis
- The National Herald, November 10th, 2011: Goings On
- The National Herald, September 14th, 2011: The Association of Greek American Professional Women (AGAPW) presents the ‘Caryatid Hairstyles Project‘ at the Trump World Tower
- The National Herald, September 2nd, 2011: Goings on
- The National Herald, August 13th, 2011: All Aboard the High Line
- Black Tie International Magazine, June 5th, 2011: Breakfast with Konstantino Sioulas at Saks Fifth Avenue
- The National Herald, June 3rd, 2011: Konstantino Jewelry at Saks Fifth Avenue NY
- The National Herald, June 2nd, 2011: AGAPW Spotlights Pontian Greeks of Armenia, The Dwindling Numbers
- Greek News – Greek-American Weekly Newspaper, May 15th, 2011: The Greek Armenian Connection at the Greek Consulate: Bringing Cultures Together
- The National Herald, May 5th, 2011: AGAPW celebrates “Mothers of the Greek Diaspora” with an exhibit/presentation on “Greeks of Armenia” at the Greek Consulate – Photographic Exhibition “Greeks of Armenia”
- The National Herald, April 30th, 2011: Founder and President of AGAPW, Dr. Olga Alexakos speaks to The National Herald
- The National Herald, April 28th, 2011: Goings On: May 2-14
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ – Η ΓΥΝΑΙΚΑ, April 2011: Δρ. Ολγα Αλεξάκου: Η φεμινίστρια που διαπρέπει στον επαγγελματικό και κοινωνικό στίβο
- Greek News – Greek-American Weekly Newspaper, February 21st, 2011: AGAPW, Greek American Women Working Together
- The National Herald, January 19th, 2011: Literary Evening and Cutting of Traditional Vasilopita – AGAPW Assoc. Literary Meeting in Manhattan
- The National Herald, January 3rd, 2011: A Greek American Year in Review: The Highs and Lows of 2010
- Estiator Magazine, December 2010: Achievements Dec/2010: Tina Santorineou Honored by Greek-American Professional Women
- Greek News – Greek-American Weekly Newspaper, November 15th, 2010: Association of Greek American Professional Women (AGAPW) Honor Veteran Radio Producer Tina Santorineou
- The National Herald, November 9th, 2010: AGAPW Honors Journalist Tina Santorineou
- Greek News – Greek-American Weekly Newspaper, October 31st, 2010: Τιμήθηκε η ραδιοφωνική παραγωγός Τίνα Σαντοριναίου
- ΕΘΝΙΚΟΣ ΚΗΡΥΞ (The National Herald), October 28th, 2010: Βράβευσαν την Τίνα Σαντοριναίου
- U.S.A. Greek Reporter, October 27th, 2010: Greek American Professional Women Honor Tina Santorinaiou
- The National Herald, October 26th, 2010: Symposium on Greek American Women in the News and Media – A.G.A.P.W Symposium Honors Longtime Journalist Tina Santorineou (pictures and video)
- Greek News – Greek-American Weekly Newspaper, October 17th, 2010: Honoring Greek American Women in the News Media
- Neo Magazine, September 9th, 2010: An Evening of Conversation and Art in Manhattan
- The National Herald, July 27th, 2010: N.Y. Greek American Women Declare: AGAPW
- Greek News – Greek-American Weekly Newspaper, May 16th, 2010: Greek American Professional Women Create an Association
- The National Herald, April 27th, 2010: Women’s History Month Celebrated with Poetry, Fellowship and Wine